Friday, May 9, 2014

Finished! (Final Edits)

That's a wrap! Finished my final edits on Child of the Knight during lunch today.

A HUGE thank you to Mike Shultz, Ann Emery and Jax Reeder. Mike served (once again) as my critique partner, while Ann and Jax pulled editorial duties. This process would have been impossible without their help. Well, not impossible, just disastrous. They stripped out redundancies, focused the story, and taught me many valuable lessons about writing.

Child of the Knight went to Mike as a 128,000 word, 45 chapter manuscript. It now weighs in at 119,000 words and 42 chapters. This is very close to Eternal Knight's 116,000 words.

What's left?

1) Format the manuscript and upload it to CreateSpace for binding and printing.
2) Order three proof copies and send them to my proofreaders.
3) Finish the back cover text while my proofreaders have my book. Send finished back cover material to my cover artist.
4) Make proofreading changes and formatting adjustments.
5) Add a dedication and acknowledgments.
6) Format the ebook.

When do I hit the publish button?

June 1st

Am I sure?

Sort of. If not June 1st, it will be very close to that date. 

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